
How to find buyers for my resume-writing services

Resume writing service is to write a professional resume reflecting the skills and qualifications of another person. As a paid professional you can create a new resume or revise the current one. You might be gifted writing resumes, but you wonder how to find buyers for my resume writing services.

Begin by writing your resumes to the best quality and use it as the sample to show your writing capabilities.   Sign up f on freelancing sites like, Upwork or Fivver and attach it to your application for gigs. If you receive compliments, it shows that people appreciate your writing skills.  You can start by charging best book review writing services lighter rates in the beginning and increase it as you get more experience and become successful.  You will generate clientele by beginning small with posts on freelancing sites, social media and word of mouth.

  1. Choose the niche

There are different career niches, and you will gain more authority by specializing in one area such as accounting, law, technology, insurance, health and so on.  Some resume writers are generalists who work with anyone, but such writers/writing services have been at it for long.  It is simpler and more lucrative for someone like you who is starting up to focus on a niche.  It may be a challenge to figure out the niche to focus on, but you narrow down your strong specialty by mind mapping passions, experience, interests and knowledge.

 Specialization enables you to tap into the clientele comprising of people who search for resume writers who focus on writing in their area who know the appropriate jargon for the industry. Unemployment and job search offices or online services is one of the best places to find customers so begin by befriending them and hand cards to job hunters if the staff allow it.

  1. Join Association and get certification
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Various resume writing association offer certification, and it is vital to join one or a few. A certification demonstrates your adherence to high standards, and your service reaches the highest quality standard.  Certification will distinguish your experience from the competitors.

  1. Build a website

 Any business will attract more clients if it has an online client. You will find more buyers for resume writing by building a site. It will give you a place to showcase your resumes, list your services as well as testimonials. All these make you seem more professional. A resume writer will be more competitive with a website thus setting it up should not make you nervous. Advances in technology have made it simple to create, and it is even more affordable than before.

  1. Utilize different ways to market your business

You can actively sell your service after building the website because it simplifies connection with potential clients.  You can follow up with five to ten prospects every day until you reach the constant flow of clients in the pipeline. You can find buyers in various ways but focusing on two to three methods that you enjoy will create more time for you to maximize their capacity.

Here are some of the methods to market your resume-writing service.

  • Social media
  • Blogging
  • Lead generation
  • In-person networking
  • LinkedIn groups
  • Forum participation
  • Print advertising
  • Public speaking
  • Cold calling

 You can create more interest in your resume writing service by offering money back guarantee as it shows you believe in your products. Consider offering bonuses to entice the target buyers and set your services apart from competitors because some users will remember it because of the savings.

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