
What is the cost to ship a car?

When it comes to auto transportation, the most common question is “How much does it take to ship a vehicle?” You’ll see that we have four categories when you request an instant quote from our website. Call Us Now At (800) 616-6045 to talk with an agent and receive an estimate for towing your car from anywhere in the country. Take note of Long Distance Auto Transport services nationwide with a superior Los Angeles to New York Auto Transport experience.

  • Car
  • Crossover / Mini Van / Small SUV
  • Large SUV/Truck
  • Cargo Van / XL Truck

As you can see, vehicles are grouped based on their size and weight. These factors play a significant role in determining the cost of shipping a car. These factors, and many others, will be discussed in this article. Understanding the factors that affect shipping costs can help you save money when shipping a vehicle.

Transport costs

Because they take up less space on a trailer than other vehicles and are lighter, shipping a car is the most cost-effective way to transport it.

Two factors can impact the cost of shipping a vehicle by a carrier: weight and size. The trailer of a carrier can only hold so many vehicles. A carrier may have a 10-car trailer, but they can only fit 10 trucks if they haul mostly trucks along a route. Trucks are larger than cars. Truck hauling reduces their hauling capacity so they must charge more.

Weight restrictions also apply to carriers. The maximum weight of a carrier’s truck, trailer and all vehicles he is hauling must not exceed 80,000 lbs. If he is hauling trucks, which weigh more than cars, the limit on the vehicles he can transport is 80,000 lbs. He has to charge more for trucks because their weight limits their hauling capacity.

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Let’s talk about weight limits. Electric cars are an exception to the rule that cars are the most expensive type of vehicle to ship. Electric cars are heavier than regular SUVs due to the large batteries they use. A 2020 Honda Pilot, for example, weighs in at 4,200 lbs. A 2020 Tesla Model S car, however, weighs in at a whopping 4,200 lbs. Electric cars are heavier than traditional gasoline-powered cars, so shipping them will cost you more.

Examples of transportation costs to ship a car in the U.S.

Shipping a car from one coast to the other costs on average $1,200 to $1,500. A car shipped from North to South (e.g., Minnesota to Texas) will cost you between $1,000 and $1,300. Shipping an electric car will cost you around $200 more.

Here are some examples of quotes for shipping a Honda Accord.

  • From Boston, MA to Seattle WA: $1,498
  • Minneapolis, MN to Phoenix AZ: $1.279
  • From Sacramento, CA to Philadelphia PA: $1,200
  • From Syracuse, NY to Orlando FL: $1.040
  • Denver, CO to Columbus OH: $869
  • Kansas City, MO to Dallas TX: $512

Transport Costs for a Crossover/Mini-Van/Small SUV

These vehicles are heavier and larger than cars, so shipping costs can be higher. The Honda CR-V and Lexus RX are popular crossovers and small SUVs.

Examples of transportation costs to ship a small SUV in the U.S.

Shipping a small SUV or other vehicles of this type from coast to coast costs on average $1,300 to $1,600. Shipping from North to South (e.g. from Minnesota to Arizona) will cost you between $1,200 and $1,500.

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Here are some examples of quotes for shipping a Toyota RAV4

  • From Boston, MA to Seattle WA: $1.612
  • Minneapolis, MN to Phoenix AZ: $1.407
  • From Sacramento, CA to Philadelphia PA: $1,351
  • From Syracuse, NY to Orlando FL: $1.165
  • Denver, CO to Columbus OH: $973
  • Kansas City, MO to Dallas TX: $595

Transport costs for a large SUV/truck

Large trucks and SUV’s are heavier and larger than other types of vehicles, making them more expensive to ship. You can modify trucks with lift suspensions or oversized tires. Or, you can add accessories like toppers and pushbars to increase the truck’s overall dimensions. A carrier will charge more for more space than a vehicle can take up.

Examples of transportation costs to ship a large SUV/truck in the U.S.

Shipping a large SUV or truck from one coast to the other costs on average between $1,700 and $2,000 Shipping from North to South (e.g. from Minnesota to Arizona) will cost you between $1,500 and $1,700. If you add or modify an SUV or truck that has dimensions, there will be additional charges.

Here are some examples of quotes for shipping a Ford F-150 truck.

  • From Boston, MA to Seattle WA: $1.986
  • Minneapolis, MN to Phoenix AZ: $1.733
  • From Sacramento, CA to Philadelphia PA: $1664
  • From Syracuse, NY to Orlando FL: $1.435
  • Denver, CO to Columbus OH: $1.199
  • From Kansas City, MO, to Dallas, TX, $708

Transport Costs – XL Truck / Cargo Van

Extra-large trucks and cargo vans are the largest and most heavy vehicles and are therefore the most costly to ship. Cargo vans can have extended roofs, and trucks in this group often have dual rear wheels (aka “dually” or diesel engines, which increases the shipping cost.

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These types of vehicles have so many variables that they can affect shipping costs that our website’s instant quote tool cannot provide an accurate instant estimate. Is it a Cargo Van? Does it have an extended roof if it does? Is it powered by a diesel engine? Does it have dual rear tires if it is a truck? Is it equipped with a lift suspension? Are the tires too large? These types of vehicles require dispatchers to gather more information from customers in order to give them a customized quote.

Examples of transportation costs to ship a Cargo Van or an XL Truck within the U.S.

Shipping a cargo van or large truck can cost you $500 to $1,000 more than shipping a truck or large SUV. (See the previous section). To ship these types of vehicles, you will need to request an instant quote. Next, you will be asked to provide additional information about your vehicle to our dispatch team so they can give you a customized quote.